Active Noise Cancellation
In head- and earphones
Subtracting the noise
(microphone outside earcup)
(microphone inside earcup)
In the feedback design, the microphone is placed inside the ear cup and in front of the speaker “hearing” the resulting signal in exactly the same way as the listener does.
(microphone inside and outside earcup)
The Hybrid ANC design takes the best of both worlds in combining the feed-forward and the feedback ANC having microphones placed both outside and inside the ear cup.
– Ideal theory meets world limitations
The above mentioned ANC principles would work in a very broad frequency range if all conditions were ideal. In practice there are many factors limiting the ANC performance at higher frequencies.
There are three major elements in the ANC loop:
In the ideal world these elements would be total linear within a large dynamic range, have flat frequency and phase response and no internal noise. If this was the case, designing the ANC application would be a piece of cake. Unfortunately we have to face reality: A modern electret or MEMS microphone has quite a high dynamic range, a modest noise figure and a fairly flat frequency and phase response. The same goes for the ANC processor, which “only” adds some time delay as mentioned earlier. But when it comes to the receiver, the picture is a totally different one. Due to size constrains (especially in the in-ear earphones) a quite small receiver has to be chosen (Ø8mm – Ø15mm) and then some performance parameters become quite challenging.
The total Q factor for the system is not the same as the total Q factor for the receiver involved. The receivers total Q factor must primarily be controlled by a very strong magnet system which will lower the Q factor down towards the desired value of 0.7, but normally this is not enough for reaching the critical damped factor of 0.7. The remaining lowering of the system Q factor will be done by mesh tuning on rear side of the receiver and/or mesh covering a rear vent in the earphone/headphone.
So when a Q factor of approx. 0.7 is tuned in, the Damping ratio will also be approx. 0.7 according to equation 1.